augmented reality app

ARTinTRA has developed in collaboration with the pilot of a cutting-edge Augmented Reality application that allows users to upload multiple artworks and install them in all possible places; a gallery space, a garden, a public space.


We developed technology that works without the need for a QR Code or any form of equipment apart from a smartphone or tablet. The app supports the installation of multiple two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks as well as video and sound files at any space. Our pilot project is ‘Complex States: Art in the Years of Brexit‘. Due to lack of funds we did not develop the app further. Potential investors are welcome to contact us directly.

Download the application for free below.


Back in 2020, in our new normal in the grips of COVID-19 and influenced by the events of Brexit, we started thinking about novel ways to share and experience art. In collaboration with the leading mixed reality company afca. we wanted to create a new type of exhibition platform that will offer an innovative, augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) experience using the latest cutting-edge technology. After many hours of experimentation and brainstorming we created a pilot application (app) for the latest project curated by ARTinTRA ‘Complex States’.  The mobile app we created allows users to visit, curate and share virtual art exhibitions from wherever they are; be this from their living room or the desert, via any smart-phone or tablet. The users’ curated exhibitions can be shared with any other user who has a smart phone or tablet. Another playful feature is that users can select their favourite objects together with fellow users and co-curate an exhibition even if they are miles away. 

In particular, the technology we developed enables users to install, share and store virtual artworks in their own current location via the cloud; and thus also see where other users have placed artworks. This technology then allowed Complex States to be installed and viewed virtually, in multiple forms anywhere in the world. Users of our app can design and then publish their own version of Complex States virtual exhibition in a location of their choice (their home, their garden, their university. etc) using the available virtual artworks in the Complex States exhibition. Other users can then visit the location of this virtual exhibition at any time and view the exhibition with their own AR-capable device.

For all enquiries and investment proposals please contact